On Studying Semantic and Motivational Connections of Vocabulary of Disgust and Dislike


  • Yana V. Malkova Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin




Russian dialect vocabulary; semantic and motivational reconstruction; semantic and motivational parallels; vocabulary of disgust; vocabulary of dislike.


The article discusses the origin of some Russian dialectal lexical units that convey the feelings of disgust and dislike. Applying the method of semantic and motivational reconstruction, the author focuses on mechanisms and models of the development of semantics of negative emotional attitude. The study provides semantic and motivational interpretation of more than 9 dialectal lexical units, including rachit’, glyano, chelyadinnyy, chomkiy, chmyra, chmonitsya, toromko, pritoromko, nazola, etc. When analyzing the given words, in order to prove one or another research decision, the author draws semantic and motivational parallels citing words that demonstrate a similar course of the meaning development. For example, for words carrying the meaning of disgust and dislike, the enantiosemy mechanism was found to be productive, as is the case of the word rachit’, meaning ‘to disdain’, which the author considers to originate from the meaning ‘to want, desire’. In some cases, where necessary, word-building and etymological remarks are provided. For linguistic facts whose etymology is established, the relevant data are provided, commented and, where possible, supplemented by the author of the article. Group semantic and motivational reconstruction allows interpretation of a number of lexical units meaning disgust and dislike with a sufficient degree of completeness and argumentativeness. As a result of the study on the semantic and motivational relations of dialect linguistic facts, the article provides a reconstruction of some folk traditional ideas of dislike and disgust, information on folk ideas of ethics and etiquette is given.

Author Biography

Yana V. Malkova, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin

Assistant in the Department of Russian Language,General Linguistics and Verbal Communication


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How to Cite

Malkova Я. В. . (2023). On Studying Semantic and Motivational Connections of Vocabulary of Disgust and Dislike. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.17072/2073-6681-2023-1-28-36

