metaphysics, religious poetry, Schwartz, Sedakova, ritual, Latinisms, multilingualism.Abstract
This paper examines the function of Latinisms in the poetry of O. Sedakova and E. Schwartz. The difference between the poetics of these authors is moderated due to the multilingual poetic world, use of words and phrases from different languages, which is typical of both poets. The function of the multilingualism is clarified based on poetic-religious and philosophical systems of the poets. Sedakova and Schwartz believe that language is not the first and last reality, but one of the tools for the implementation of the will of God in the world, while our human speech is always work of a human him(her)self on his(her) cognitive abilities and mystical intuitions. Sedakova’s poetry is constructed as a metaphysical treatise, Schwartz’s – as a magical ritual. Latinisms in this system have a dual function: they refer to the classical roots of religious metaphysics and act as quasi-terms, indicating the accuracy of mystical knowledge. Clarification of the function of Latinisms allows for reconstructing relationship between religious-philosophical and literary tasks of the independent Russian poetry.References
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