FELTING CRAFT VOCABULARY IN TERMS OF LINGUISTIC GEOGRAPHY (a Case Study of Dialects of the Prisurie Area of the Volga Region)





dialectology, handcraft vocabulary, linguistic geography, thematic classification, dialect terminology, Penza region, Volga region.


The paper presents the results of linguogeographical analysis of felting craft vocabulary in dialects of the Prisurie area of the Volga region. The research is based on studying field records of speech of craftspeople speaking different dialects that were made in 20 settlements during five expeditions to the Prisurie area from 2012 to 2015. Thematic classification of the vocabulary by theme groups and subgroups is presented. Each theme group covers vocabulary of one particular craft, lexicon within theme groups is divided into subgroups. The structure of linguogeographical description of craft lexicon includes words-“constants” and words designating the corresponding phenomena in the region under study. These phenomena are divided into those forming areas in the territory under study and those that do not form areas for various reasons. The corresponding phenomena forming areas in the specified territory are analyzed. Based on field materials and lexicon data, distribution areas for the corresponding designations of the craftsman, material, actions and tools are identified, which allows for drawing conclusions about the specificity of the given region. The article provides analysis of felting craft vocabulary and shows the specificity of lexicon of the particular craft.

Author Biography

Мария Денисовна Королькова (Maria D. Korolkova), Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Postgraduate Student


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How to Cite

Королькова (Maria D. Korolkova) М. Д. (2017). FELTING CRAFT VOCABULARY IN TERMS OF LINGUISTIC GEOGRAPHY (a Case Study of Dialects of the Prisurie Area of the Volga Region). Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.17072/2037-6681-2017-1-25-37

