


language, text, activity conception of language, harmony, symmetry, metapoetics, modern Russian literary language.


The review of philological studies carried out by the representatives of the Stavropol linguistics school of K. E. Stein and D. I. Petrenko provides an analysis of the scholars’ views concerning the problems of language, text, harmony, symmetry, the linkages between language and cognition, language and ideology, language and scientific knowledge, language and power. Study of language as an internally harmonized, organized entity is shown to be of scholarly importance, which requires elaboration of new principles and approaches taking into account interaction of general scientific, general esthetic and linguistic analysis methods. Monographs and study guides by K. E. Stein and D. I. Petrenko devoted to the philological heritage of outstanding scientists of the Russian school of thought as well as to works of some eminent philosophers, writers, poets and religious figures are considered. The contribution of the scientists to the development of text linguistics, fundamental problems of semantics, syntactics and pragmatics that characterize the modern linguistic space is noted. Particular attention is given to K. E. Stein’s development of the original approach to activity conception of language, theory of linguistic relativity, urban semiotics and metapoetics. The problem of the Russian language and culture preservation and development is discussed.

Author Biography

Людмила Вениаминовна Кушнина (Ludmila V. Kushnina), Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages, Linguistics and Translation


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How to Cite

Кушнина (Ludmila V. Kushnina) Л. В. (2017). STAVROPOL SCHOOL OF LINGUISTICS OF K. E. STEIN IN THE MODERN LINGUISTIC SPACE. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 9(1). 6681-2017-1-138-143

