Types of Combined Syntactic Repetitions (Based on the Texts of Russian-Language Writers of Kazakhstan)





syntactic repetition; combined repetition; combined syntactic repetition; types of repetitions; parallelism.


In the literature devoted to types of repetitions, one can find research on so called ‘combined repetition’. However, linguistic works that deal with syntactic techniques, imagery means, means of linking in a sentence and text do not provide description of combinations consisting of two or more types of repetitions. In our opinion, solution to this issue depends on the basis of the study. The syntactic-stylistic approach makes it possible to identify the following combinations of syntactic repetitions: parallelism and frame repetition; parallelism and anaphora; parallelism and catch-up. In addition to a combination of two types of repetitions, the paper describes combinations of three types of repetitions: parallelism, anaphora, parcellation; parallelism, anaphora, paragraph. The identified versions of combination allowed us to conclude that one of the types of repetitions is parallelism. The connection between various syntactic repetitions was studied both at the level of the complex syntactic whole, constructions with another person’s speech and at the level of a paragraph, despite the fact that a paragraph can be considered both as a syntactic and a compositional-stylistic unit. The paper outlines directions for the study of combined repetitions. Apart from describing combinations within one level, it is necessary to carry out research at the junction of several levels of the language. This will make it possible to identify new variants of interaction of units belonging to different levels, possibly those not previously presented in theoretical works. This is the main line for further research. In addition, the use of various factual materials, namely literary texts, characterized by a variety of grammatical structures, will make it possible to identify new combinations of repetitions.

Author Biographies

Olga V. Marina, Altai State Pedagogical University

Professor in the Department of General and Russian Linguistics

Assel Zh. Toktubayeva, Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University

Senior Lecturer in the Department of Kazakh, Russian Philology and Journalism


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How to Cite

Marina О. В. ., & Toktubayeva А. Ж. . (2022). Types of Combined Syntactic Repetitions (Based on the Texts of Russian-Language Writers of Kazakhstan). Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.17072/2073-6681-2022-2-36-41

