Language Representation of the Speaker’s Average Level of Professionalism in a Biographical Interview (Based on the English Language)




speech markers; linguistic representation of the level of professionalism; sociolinguistic categories; literary and colloquial type of speech culture; understatement; discourse; language personality.


The research is focused on identification of the language markers functioning in English oral spontaneous speech that correlate with the average level of professional knowledge in representatives of humanitarian professions and that may be detected by the recruitment commission during the employee selection process. The purpose of the study is to identify these speech signs, conduct their sociolinguistic analysis, and systematize them according to such parameters as syntax, vocabulary, grammar, speech strategy, type of speech culture, and etiquette. The research material is composed of modern video interviews with representatives of creative professions from English-language talk shows and television programs. Methodologically, the study is based on sociolinguistic categories method of Professor T. A. Ivushkina, as well as the methods of description, generalization, and interpretation. As a result of the study, the author has detected such speech markers of the middle level professionals as the predominance of complex sentences having a broken syntactic structure, an abundance of enumerations, clichéd media assertions, pseudo-connecting and discursive words, comparisons expressed by verbal and adjective metaphor, phrasal verbs with metaphorical meanings, speakers’ preference for nominative adjectives, sporadic use of abstract nouns, avoiding the usage of foreign words, phraseological units, terminology, pun, and irony. The speech strategy is characterized by softened unobtrusive modulation, hesitation, a large number of empty words and the lack of independence in judgments, double understatement in speakers’ remarks about themselves. The main type of speech is the literary-colloquial type of speech culture, the habit of dialogical communication.

Author Biography

Irina A. Tislenkova, Volgograd State Technical University

Associate Professor in the Department "Foreign Languages"


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How to Cite

Tislenkova И. А. (2022). Language Representation of the Speaker’s Average Level of Professionalism in a Biographical Interview (Based on the English Language). Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 14(1).

