Speech Realization of Intellectual Expression in the Idiostyle of Professor M. N. Kozhina





scientific text; dialogic nature of text; cognitive evaluation; extended variative repetition; intellectual expression, idiostyle; knowledge density.


The article examines the problem of role and place of intellectual expression in scientific discourse. The notion of ‘intellectual expression’, which has not been developed so far, is introduced into scientific analysis. Intellectual expression is regarded as a means of forming and expressing new scientific knowledge in a text. The sense-organizing, text-forming, and stylistic-verbal functions of intellectual expression are described. It is stated that intellectual expression serves as a marker of the peculiarities of the idiostyle of a text’s author. Idiostyle is understood as a specific way of meaning verbalization in academic works of a specific linguistic personality, as a result of which the discourse itself is characterized by a dominant way of organization. For the analysis of specific characteristics of idiostyle, the complex approach is suggested, which unites functional-stylistic and cognitive-axiological methods, making it possible to analyze the dynamics of sense forming, captured in the ‘verbal fabric’ of the text, as well as to interpret the role and place of language and speech units in these dynamics. The units of analysis are cognitive-evaluative actions and extended variative repetitions. The term-notion of intellectual expression is suggested; semantic, text-building, and stylistic-verbal functions of intellectual expression are discussed. It is concluded that M. N. Kozhina's idiostyle is imbued with a high degree of intellectual expression, which is predetermined by a large number of evaluative and cognitive actions and extended variative repetitions of different kinds and functions found in the text. The paper argues that the process of verbalization of new scientific knowledge in the text is carried out by means of cognitive evaluation as a deliberate choice by the author of a particular logical action, which is necessary, in the opinion of the scientist, in this particular fragment of presenting a scientific idea.

Author Biographies

Natalia V. Danilevskaya, Perm State University

Head of the Department of Russian Language and Stylistics

Varvara A. Danilevskaya, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping

Senior Lecturer in the Department of English Language


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How to Cite

Danilevskaya Н. В. ., & Danilevskaya В. А. (2022). Speech Realization of Intellectual Expression in the Idiostyle of Professor M. N. Kozhina. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.17072/2073-6681-2022-1-23-37

