media; Internet; portal; audience response; communication; news; rating.Abstract
The article analyzes web portals and public pages of regional media, which help the media adapt to modern communication conditions. The material under study is texts published in the five media sources most popular in Mordovia and on their public pages on the VKontakte social networking service. We carried out a content analysis of more than 1,000 media texts and a qualitative analysis of about 500 materials. Basing on that, we ranked the media according to the activity of their subscribers and identified characteristics that allow the media to increase the number of subscribers and promote their activity, such as the expressiveness of materials, the use of various stylistic devices aimed at attracting the attention of the audience. Regional media are successfully using the platforms of all social networking services and messengers, the number of subscribers to each of them is regularly increasing. We have also identified the prospects for the development of regional media: a greater diversity in genres, in stylistic, thematic and multimedia presentation of information, a prompt response to the requests of the audience and subscribers will help to increase the competitiveness in the information market of the region. In conclusion, we offer criteria for the effective presentation of information on public pages and web portals that promotes a response of the audience.References
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