


essay; biography; ekphrasis; William Morris; Mariano Fortuny; A. S. Byatt.


The article deals with the last book of the well-known English writer A. S. Byatt Peacock & Vine (2016) in the context of her oeuvre (novels, stories, essays). It is proved that the controversial reviews by British critics are caused by the character of the genre and the author’s mythology. The book combines biographies of two artists and an essay on design of the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. It is concluded that A. S. Byatt uses her particular method of analogy at different levels of poetics. She juxtaposes biographies and oeuvres of William Morris and Mariano Fortuny with the help of such universals as the North and the South, which acquire a complicated character due to their being represented through national (or more specifically, cultural) images and symbols. The emphasis is not so much on the life as on the oeuvre of the designers – first and foremost, their houses and fabrics as seen by Byatt herself and through her biography and oeuvre. Her main principle lies in conceiving something of her own through something of the other’s, and vice versa. While the figure of Morris in Byatt’s novel The Children’s Book (2009) was fitted in the social, political, and psychoanalytical contexts of the epoch, the book Peacock & Vine ‘illuminates’ the artist’s life both with his own works and Fortuny’s experiments with colors and light. The main evaluation criteria are color (light) and proportion (contexture), distinctive for both the artists’ design and Byatt’s style. However, in verbal interpretation of floral and animalistic ornaments (vines and pomegranates, peacocks and phoenixes, lions and dragons), one can see a comprehensive dialogue between paganism and Christianity, past days and modernity, a man and a woman, two famous designers, ars nouveau and ars deco. Illustrations (photographs, drawings, reproductions) together with the verbal text of the biographical essay make an organic whole of the book, which emphasizes a special role of paratext in Byatt’s works. Searching for words to represent visual images is a special task for an author of a biographical essay that she was conscious about in her works. In the book Peacock & Vine, Byatt acquires the accuracy and clarity of the language she was dreaming of when working over the novel Still Life (1985). At the same time, simplicity and complexity of her style have become an integral part of her own mythology. The Englishman Morris, being passionate about the Middle Ages and the North, travelled to Iceland and conceived of the Scandinavian saga as a real history. In the Byatt’s book he is compared with the Spaniard Fortuny, who had a penchant for Classical Antiquity and the Mediterranean world, lived in Paris and Venice, and conceived of the Scandinavian saga only through the prism of the Wagner Theatre. As to the Byatt’s love to Scandinavian mythology, it goes back to her war-time childhood, which is reflected in her book Ragnarok: The End of the Gods (2011).

Author Biography

Nina S. Bochkareva, Perm State University

Professor in the Department of World Literature and Culture


Список литературы

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Byatt A. S. Peacock & Vine: On William Morris and Mariano Fortuny. N. Y., Alfred A. Knopf, 2016. 184 p. (In Eng.)

Byatt A. S. Still life / Nature morte (1986). Byatt A. S. Passions of the Mind. L., Vintage, 1993, pp. 9–20. (In Eng.)

Heffernan J. A. W. Museum of Words: The Poetic of Ekphrasis from Homer to Ashbery. Chicago, London, University of Chicago Press, 2004. 249 p. (In Eng.)

Hicks E. Material pleasures: The still life in the fiction of A. S. Byatt. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Wollongong, 2009. 253 p. (In Eng.)

MacCarthy F. Peacock and Vine by A. S. Byatt review – Mariano Fortuny and William Morris, masters of design. The Guardian. July 1, 2016. Available at: (accessed 10.04.2020). (In Eng.)

Murray D. A trick of the light. The Spectator. July 9, 2016. Available at: (accessed 10.04.2020). (In Eng.)

Phillips Ju. A. S. Byatt: I have not yet written enough at 80, the iconic writer reflects on Brexit, mortality, and the literary life. February 9, 2017. Available at: (accessed 10.12.2019). This interview originally appeared in Dutch, in Trouw, Dec. 3, 2016. (In Eng.)

Shilling J. The stuff of life: how A. S. Byatt intertwined the lives of William Morris and Mariano Fortuny. The English Revolt. July 21, 2016. Available at: (accessed 10.04.2020). (In Eng.)

Tiffin J. Ice, glass, snow: Fairy tale as art and metafiction in the writing of A. S. Byatt. Marvels & Tales, 2006, vol. 20, issue 1, 2006, pp. 47–66. (In Eng.)

Wood A. P. Book review: Peacock and Vine by A. S. Byatt. The New Zealand Listener. March 29, 2017. Available at: (accessed 10.04.2020). (In Eng.)



How to Cite

Bochkareva Н. С. . (2021). GENRE POETICS OF A. S. BYATT’S BOOK ‘PEACOCK & VINE’. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 13(3).

