


industrial toponymy; regional specifics of toposystems; names of deposits; origin of toponyms; functions and methods of toponymic nomination formation.


The article deals with industrial toponymy of the Perm region – the historical and modern names of deposits and mines of natural resources (coal, iron, copper, oil). This group of toponyms of the anthropogenic landscape is described thematically, studied in terms of its origin, and characterized as a carrier of historical and cultural information about the region’s economic development. In the description provided, the names are grouped according to the object of nomination – the older names of the deposits of coal, copper and iron and the relatively recent names of the gas and oil fields. Within these groups, we study historical and recent names, which are grouped according to the geography of distribution, trace their origin, associated with the development of the mining industry of the region. We have established that the dominant role in the formation of the names of the deposits belongs to metonymy, with the help of which the correspondence between the objects of space is indicated by means of association by contiguity. The paper describes the groups of toponyms that perform identificatory, localizing, and memorial functions (with the last one being aimed at commemorating significant events, discoverers and outstanding people). The function most important for industrial toponymy is the nominative functions itself. In a number of cases, the studied names are considered to be a reflection of mental ideas about the division of geological space by a person. It is concluded that that the names of the deposits reflect the main stages of the region’s economic development and are of certain interest for the study of the historical, cultural and linguistic specifics of the region. In order to obtain cultural information on these names, it is important to take into account their close relationship with hydronyms, oikonyms, as well as with anthroponymic names (names, surnames, nicknames).

Author Biographies

Evgeniya V. Zapolskih, Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University

Master’s Student in the Department of General Linguistics,Russian and Komi-Permyak Languages and Methods of Teaching Languages

Ivan A. Podyukov, Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University

Professor in the Department of General Linguistics,Russian and Komi-Permyak Languages and Methods of Teaching Languages


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How to Cite

Zapolskih Е. В. ., & Podyukov И. А. . (2021). THE NAMES OF DEPOSITS AND MINES IN PERM KRAI: HISTORY, REGIONAL SPECIFICS. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 13(3).

