



term; nomen; pragmatonym; proper name; special language; sports terminology; sports nomenclature; sports discourse.


The article deals with the problem of distinguishing between terminology and nomenclature in the eponymous lexis of sports. It starts with a review of research works concerned with the differences between terms, nomens, and pragmatonyms. As the extralinguistic factors influence research into peculiarities of a particular special language, including the status of its units, there is also provided a review of works covering the problems of special sports lexis classification. Eponymous lexis is considered as a special and significant inventory of special language units, from the historical, cultural, and professional points of view. The proper name as a constituent of eponymous terms, nomens, and pragmatonyms predetermines the similarities between these types of lexis. The functional features common for eponymous terms, nomens, and pragmatonyms are their international character and stylistic neutrality, i. e. the ability to function in all the registers of communication. Distinguishing between eponymous terminology and nomenclature is based on the semantic criteria, namely the idea of the referent’s oneness. The semantic meaning and thematic relatedness of the unit, as well as the nomination principles, are taken into account. Eponymous terms are the units formed on the basis of proper names and denoting actions, systems of exercises, equipment, rules, formulae for coun­ting the results. Eponymous nomens are the units naming sports facilities, competitions, prizes, teams, and clubs. The names of products manufactured in lots are considered to be pragmatonyms. The methodology upon which the suggested classification is based may be used in research on special languages of other spheres, eponymous units related to different themes, and while analyzing the linguistic features of units belonging to the special language of sports.

Author Biography

Natalia N. Bobyreva , Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Associate Professor in the Department of European Languages and Cultures


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How to Cite

Bobyreva Н. Н. . (2021). TERMS, NOMENS AND PRAGMATONYMS IN THE SPECIAL LANGUAGE OF SPORT (Based on Eponymous Terms). Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.17072/2073-6681-2021-3-5-11

