CONTEMPORARY RURAL ZOONYMICON IN THE DERIVATIONAL ASPECT (on the Material of Zoonyms of One Group of Villages)




onomastics, zoonym, derivation, Perm Krai, Troel’ga rural settlement of Kungur district.


The article is devoted to the study of zoonyms functioning in the speech of the inhabitants of Troel’ga rural settlement, Kungur district (Perm Krai). Methodologically, animal names are considered in the article in line with the theory of derivation, that is, as a result of dynamic processes at different levels of the language system. It is necessary to distinguish between nicknames that appeared in the course of zoonymic transformations and those that appeared due to transformations of ready-made lexical means (products of pre-zoonymic transformations). We have found that the first ones form as a result of six types of derivation: word-forming derivation (with the formation of words that are absent in the literary language), lexical and word-forming derivation (with the formation of words that are homonymous to the words of the literary language), lexical derivation (with the use of non-derived words that are absent in the literary language: neologisms and barbarisms), lexical-semantic derivation (with the reinterpretation of the semantics of the generating word), lexical-grammatical derivation (with the functional transformation of the generating word), morphological derivation (with the grammatical transformation of the generating word). The words of the second group are included in the zoonymicon through lexical derivation (using derived and non-derived words of the literary language), lexical-semantic derivation (with semantic transformation of all-Russian words), morphological-syntactic derivation (with a change of the part of speech of all-Russian words). Within these types, certain derivational models are implemented, in particular k-suffixation, word convergence based on paronomasia, onymization and transonymization, substantivization, etc. The paper provides a conclusion about a variety of ways of forming modern zoonymicon, about the specificity of some particular derivational models for the given sample.

Author Biography

Мария Владимировна Боброва (Maria V. Bobrova), Institute for Linguistic Studies of the RAS

Senior Researcher in the Department of Dialect Lexicography and Linguogeography of the Russian Language


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How to Cite

Боброва (Maria V. Bobrova) М. В. (2021). CONTEMPORARY RURAL ZOONYMICON IN THE DERIVATIONAL ASPECT (on the Material of Zoonyms of One Group of Villages). Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 13(2).




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