



creolized text, graphic novel, literary discourse, cognitive modeling, concept sphere, representation of the concepts MEMORIA / VEJEZ, Spanish literature.


The article deals with one of the issues in the study of creolized text – the special features of graphic novels translation. These are explored based on the translation from Spanish into Russian made by the authors of the paper for the literary work Wrinkles (Spanish: Arrugas) written by Paco Roca.The authors consider cognitive discourse analysis to be the main approach to the translation of the abovementioned graphic novel. It gives an opportunity not only to justify the researchers’ translation decisions but also to convey the author’s idea and his personal perception of the world in a more complete and accurate way.The frame method, which is regarded as an adequate mode of the concept structural organization, makes it possible to build the sphere of concepts of the source text. The concepts of MEMORIA (memory) and VEJEZ (old age) are considered the key concepts of the graphic novel because, as it was found at the stage of pre-translation analysis, they create its artistic space. The frame analysis of the fundamental concepts of the source text and the identification of semantic correlations between the language representants make it possible to translate the researched literary work.Based on the research results, the authors draw a conclusion about the special features of graphic novels translation and the effectiveness of applying the cognitive discourse analysis to the translation of such works. The study concludes with an outline of the prospects for further research on graphic novels, a new literary genre that represents an unusual combination of fine art, literature and cinematography.

Author Biographies

Мария Алексеевна Хрусталева (Mariya A. Khrustaleva), Perm State University

Associate Professor it the Department of Linguistics and Translation

Александра Сергеевна Климова (Aleksandra S. Klimova), Perm State University

Bachelor of Linguistics


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How to Cite

Хрусталева (Mariya A. Khrustaleva) М. А., & Климова (Aleksandra S. Klimova) А. С. (2021). SPECIAL FEATURES OF GRAPHIC NOVELS TRANSLATION. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 12(4). https://doi.org/10.17072/2073-6681-2020-4-68-78




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