COGNITIVE POTENTIAL OF VERBS OF SPEECH (on the Material of the Latin Language)




semantics, cognitive potential, word family, verbs of speech, Latin language.


Тhe article aims to identify and compare the specific cognitive potential of prototypical verbs dicere, loqui, fari in the Latin language of the classical period, to determine its origins. Objects of analysis are semantic variants of the verbs and their derivatives. The research methods include semantic, cognitive, etymological analysis. The cognitive potential of a word family is determined by the etymological semantics of the base word. In the dicere word family, the semantics of speaking is secondary and develops in interaction with the etymological meaning ‘to show’. In some of the subfamilies, this meaning is implemented exclusively; members of these subfamilies represent social realities of the legal sphere. In the word family, there are many derivatives with mental or voluntary components of semantics dominating. The loqui word family stems from the base with the meaning ‘to make a sound’. It is dominated by derivatives with the meaning of speaking, speech is primarily revealed as a means of interpersonal contact. The etymological semantics of the verb fari combines the semantics of speaking with the idea of transpersonal nature of speech. As a result, some derivatives characterize speech as a process, others are concentrated in the cognitive sphere of the cult. The former direction is supported by secondary cognitive spheres associated with the unofficial use of speech (‘Rumor’, ‘Folklore’), the latter direction generates secondary cognitive spheres in which speech is interpreted as a means of communication between a person and higher powers (‘Fate’) or the state (‘Law’). The word families in question have areas of cognitive intersection: ‘Eloquence’ in loqui and fari (actualization of the semantics of speaking), ‘Speech as a means of regulating social relations’ in dicere and fari (actualization of voluntary components of semantics and the idea of transpersonal nature of speech).

Author Biography

Наталия Ивановна Данилина (Natalia I. Danilina), Saratov State Medical University

Professor in the Department of Russian and Latin Languages


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How to Cite

Данилина (Natalia I. Danilina) Н. И. (2020). COGNITIVE POTENTIAL OF VERBS OF SPEECH (on the Material of the Latin Language). Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 12(3).

