


historical myths, Carlism, First Carlist War, historical novel, Benito Pérez Galdós.


The article studies the reflection of Carlist and ‘Liberal’ mythological concepts, formed in 1830s–1890s in Spain, in the novel Zumalacárregui by Benito Pérez Galdós. There is given a brief overview of some previous research works concerning Galdós´s National Episodes and the novel Zumalacárregui. The paper focuses on the ways of representation of general Tomás de Zumalacárregui (1788–1835) in the novel and shows the processes of creating the myths related to the general. In the 19–20th centuries, Zumalacárregui became a hero for the representatives of three different ideologies: Carlism, Francoism, and Basque Nationalism. It is shown that mythologization of the general began just after his death in 1835. Based on the text of the novel, there are made conclusions concerning the sources that Galdós used when creating it. The writer studied the most relevant memoirs about the First Carlist War. The paper shows how Galdós’s text was influenced by the memoirs of A. Sabatier, Ch. F. Henningsen, F. von Lichnowsky, J. A. Zarátiegui, F. Fernández de Córdoba, and H. Du-Casse. It is also noted that Galdós could have been inspired by some pictures created in the traditions of ‘Carlist visual art’. It is concluded that the writer used both Carlist and ‘Liberal’ myths concerning Tomás de Zumalacárregui. The text of the novel is divided into two parts, ‘historical’ and ‘narrative’. The ‘historical part’, i. e. a general description of the First Carlist War military operations carried out in 1834–1835, is mainly based on Carlist sources. In this part, the general Zumalacárregui is described as a war hero. The ‘narrative part’ mainly refers to ‘Liberal’ sources. The author introduced in this part a fictional character, priest José Fago, being the general’s ‘double’. Through Fago’s moral doubts and hesitations Galdós showed the internal tension of Zumalacárregui.

Author Biography

Андрей Андреевич Терещук (Andrei A. Tereshchuk), Herzen University

Associate Professor in the Department of Romance Philology


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Henningsen C. F. The most striking events of a twelvemonth’s campaign with Zumalacarregui in Navarre and the Basque Provinces. By C. F. Henningsen, captain of lancers in the service of Don Carlos, London, John Murray, Albemarle-street, 1836b, vol. 2. 304 p. (In Eng.)

Hugo V. En voyage, Alpes et Pyrénées. Paris, J. Hetzel, 1880. 233 p. (In Fren.)

Korkonosenko K. Miguél de Unamuno, ‛un extraño rusófilo’, Cuadernos de la cátedra Miguel de Unamuno. Salamanca, 2000, issue 35, pp. 13–25. (In Span.)

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Pérez Galdós B. Zumalacárregui. Madrid, Editorial Castalia, 2003b. 318 p. (In Span.)

Sabatier A. Tío Tomás. Souvenirs d’un soldat de Charles V, par Alexis Sabatier, lieutenant-colonel d’infanterie au service d’Espagne, deux fois chevalier de première classe de l’ordre royal et militaire de Saint-Ferdinand. Bordeaux, Chez Granet, Bordeaux, 1836. 179 p. (In Fren.)

Serrano E. Formas y temas en la trayectoria literaria del héroe: el caso de Tomás Zumalacárregui. Signa: Revista de la Asociación Española de Semiótica, 2013, issue 22, pp. 643–674. (In Span.)

Urquijo Goitia J. R. Tomás Zumalacárregui, literatura y mito. Revista de historia Jerónimo Zurita, 2011, issue 86, pp. 249–280. (In Span.)

Wislocka B. ‛Rara avis’: traducciones españolas del polaco. II Encuentros Complutenses. Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1988, pp. 279–288. (In Span.)

Zarátiegui J. A. Vida y hechos de Don Tomás de Zumalacárregui, nombrado por el señor don Carlos María Isidro de Borbón, capitán general del ejército realista, duque de la Victoria y conde de Zumalacárregui. Madrid, Imprenta de D. José de Rebolledo y Compañía, 1845. 583 p. (In Span.)



How to Cite

Терещук (Andrei A. Tereshchuk) А. А. (2020). THE NOVEL ‘ZUMALACÁRREGUI’ BY BENITO PÉREZ GALDÓS AND TRANSFORMATIONS OF HISTORICAL MYTHS IN LITERATURE. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 12(2).

