



Yuriy Buyda, modern Russian prose, epic cyclization, hypertextuality.


The article studies the poetics of the contemporary writer Yuriy Buyda in the context of the contemporary Russian short story. The analysis of historically specific forms of Buyda’s cyclization is considered as part of the general tasks of historical poetics in studying the evolution of literary forms. Structural and semiotic analysis of the writer’s works reveals that his prose forms peculiar cycles-clusters, ‘archipelagos’, where a cycle of stories appears to be related to novels. This connection is primarily determined by the setting, but also by recurring heroes and a specific – cumulative rather than cyclical – plot that traces its origin to myth. Through the example of one such cluster of texts – the cycles Zhungli, Gates of Zhungli (Vrata Zhungley) (2011), Lions and Lilies (L’vy i Lilii) (2013), the novel Blue Blood (Sinyaya krov’) and related works – the paper investigates the nature and logic of the depicted world, the mechanisms of its intra-textual connections, as well as the genesis due to both the nature of the author’s artistic thinking and the social, historical and literary, biographical context. Thus, we can observe a tendency of transcending the genre boundaries of a story or novel in favor of hypertext rhizomatic formations – based on mythologizing strategies. These features correlate with the general interest of contemporary Russian literature in collections of short stories, on the one hand, and the contemporary novel’s leaning to disintegration of a single narrative and fragmentation, on the other. It is possible that the tendencies toward hypertext strategies for text generation are determined by the general properties of modern thinking and social communication since today the social morphology of society is built in the form of networks.

Author Biographies

Марина Петровна Абашева (Marina P. Abasheva), Perm State University

Professor in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Professor in the Department of Cultural Studies and Social and Humanities-Based Technologies

Мария Викторовна Куриленко (Mariya V. Kurilenko), Perm State University

Postgraduate Student in the Department of Russian Literature


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How to Cite

Абашева (Marina P. Abasheva) М. П., & Куриленко (Mariya V. Kurilenko) М. В. (2020). POETICS OF CYCLIZATION IN THE PROSE OF YURIY BUYDA. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.17072/2073-6681-2020-2-72-80




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