interrogativity, interrogative, question, rhetorical question, lyrical question, semantics, pragmatics, functional style.Abstract
The paper addresses different approaches to the interpretation of the notion ‘interrogativity’ in science. This notion is under constant study in different fields of knowledge, such as philosophy, logics, pedagogy, psychology, sociology, linguistics, literature studies, etc. The paper aims to study approaches to the interpretation of the notion ‘interrogativity’ in linguistics in its different aspects; therefore, the above notion is analyzed in grammar, semantics, stylistics, functional stylistics, pragmatics, theory of speech acts. The author also analyzes the notion in a historical retrospective, providing philosophical and logical background of its appearance in linguistics, where it preserves its epistemological sense. From the linguistic point of view, the semantics, functions and formal ways of representation of the above notion in language are considered in the paper. In the aspect of grammar, formal ways of representation of the above category are analyzed. In the aspect of semantics, the content and various functions are under consideration. From the stylistic point of view, the role of interrogativity in texts of various functional styles (e. g. literary text, scientific text, official documents, journalistic text) is analyzed. Numerous research works concerning the notion of linguistic interrogativity claim that it may be either explicit or implicit. Explicit interrogativity means that the semantics of interrogation is presented in the text by formal means of a question (word order, intonation, question words), while implicit interrogativity presupposes interrogative semantics in statements.References
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