


label, fashion, concept, popular literature, culture, conceptual sphere, core, periphery.


This article explores the concept label considered within the framework of the conceptual sphere Fashion in national popular literature of the 20th century. The problem of labeling reality is particularly relevant in our days since all of us live under some label. Despite the modern nature of the problem, the concept label was mentioned even in the novels of pre-revolutionary authors (L. Veselitskaya, L. Charskaya). The study refers to the Soviet epoch, which is certainly not due to the abundance of brands or their priority for the Soviet people. The Soviet period is of interest since it is an intermediate link between partial (pre-revolutionary period) and total (modern period) labeling of all life spheres. Therefore, among others the study includes works of Soviet authors (V. Tokareva, L. Chukovskaya, etc.). Works of modern novelists (A. Berseneva, I. Stogov, E. Vil’mont, T. Vedenskaya), being the reflection of people’s minds, provide good material to research culturally relevant concepts such as label, fashion, etc. Modern novels are full of famous brand labels, which once again proves the importance of the concept under consideration not only in the conceptual sphere of fashion, but also in linguoculture as a whole. The conceptual analysis through verbalization allowed us not only to discover that the contextual field of the concept is presented by the lexemes reflecting such expensive fashion trademarks as ‘Jan Sport’, ‘Delsey’, ‘Armani’, ‘Boss’, ‘Donna Karan’, ‘Rifle’, ‘Dr. Martens’, but also to determine its value markers (distribution sphere, material marker, social significance) by contextual and describing methods. The statistics analysis, providing information in numbers, proved cultural relevance of the concept in the national linguistic culture.

Author Biography

Лилия Талгатовна Ягафарова (Liliya T. Yagafarova), University of Management ‘TISBI’

Associate Professor in the Department of Philology


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How to Cite

Ягафарова (Liliya T. Yagafarova) Л. Т. (2019). THE CONCEPT ‘LABEL’ IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE CONCEPTOSPHERE ‘FASHION’ OF THE POPULAR 20th CENTURY LITERATURE. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 11(3).

