



Slavonic and Russian diglossia, the Russian language historical syntax, compound sentence syntax, taxis, text syntax.


The article again raises the key question of Russian philology about the correlation between the genetically Russian and Church Slavonic components in the literary language. Noting that the problem of identifying the Church Slavonic elements in the syntax of the literary styles of the Russian language is still not resolved, the author substantiates the opinion about the Church Slavonic nature of a considerable part of the polypredicative syntax phenomena. In particular, new arguments are presented for the hypothesis that relative constructions with the postposition of the subordinate clause are formed in the literary styles of the Russian language under the structural influence of constructions with the pronoun и4же; an assumption is made that complex sentences with the conjunction когда, which replaced the Church Slavonic conjunction e3гда in the old Russian period, are also syntactic copies of the Church Slavonic language; the hypothesis of the Church Slavonic nature of the participle phrases assimilated by the Russian literary language in their original (taxis) function is substantiated, which allows us to make a conclusion about the Church Slavonic roots of the core of the functional-semantic field of taxis in the Russian literary language. Solving the problem of the origin of the interphase connection means in narrative texts, the author proceeds from the belief that the narrative syntax of the literary styles of the Russian language was affected by the language of the Slavic Bible. The article provides arguments, in particular, for the assumption that the enclitic “же” and conjunction “и” in the function of interphase connectors were established in the literary styles of the Russian language under the Church Slavonic influence. All this allows us to conclude that the polypredicative syntax of the Russian li­terary language largely preserves the Church Slavonic basis. Therefore, the situation of the Slavonic – Russian diglossia, which is typical of all previous stages of the Russian language history, remains in place, albeit in a transformed form.

Author Biography

Валерий Александрович Мишланов (Valery А. Mishlanov ), Perm State University

Professor in the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics


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How to Cite

Мишланов (Valery А. Mishlanov ) В. А. (2019). ON THE SYMBIOSIS OF THE RUSSIAN AND CHURCH SLAVONIC COMPONENTS IN THE CONTEMPORARY RUSSIAN SYNTAX. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.17072/2073-6681-2019-1-48-58

