



historical folklore, 19th-century periodicals, story, legend, historical character, Ivan IV, Peter I, Stefan Permsky, Dalmat Isetsky, Ermak, Pugachev.


The study of legendary and historical folklore makes us acquainted with the verbal version of history which has developed in a particular territory and which is to a great extent different from the official history. The article considers stories and legends concerning the Perm region, found in publications of the 19th century and centering around real historical persons, being the main characters of these stories. Analysis of their plots shows many aspects: how the local people comprehended their contacts with representatives of other ethnic groups; what information concerning the foundation of towns, villages and erection of churches became a part of the local tradition; how the figures of rulers, religious figures, rioters and etc. were presented in the people’s consciousness. The folk tradition of the Perm region includes the names of historical characters who had a major impact on the national and local history (Ivan IV, Peter I), or visited this territory (Alexander I). Among the historical characters being popular in Perm historical folklore are Stefan Permsky, Cossack chieftain Ermak, rioter Pugachev. These persons visited the Perm region and had a particular effect on the local life (for example, Stefan Permsky preached orthodoxy and created the first alphabet for the Komi). Some of the characters and plots are common with other regional traditions. However, there are also found local characters peculiar to the region (‘Nyrob’s prisoner’ Mikhail Romanov, abbots Dalmat and Pafnutiy) and rare motifs (Ermak’s marriage to a Stroganov’s daughter). Mikhail Romanov is still remembered and honored by the local people; folklore consciousness discovered some features of a saint and a hero in his personality. The identified historical characters and plots allow us to get acquainted with the Perm verbal tradition of the 19th century, though not to the full extent. It is noteworthy that due to the censorship rules many texts were not published in Perm periodicals.

Author Biography

Оксана Алексеевна Колегова (Oksana A. Kolegova), Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology

Teacher of Russian as a Foreign Language


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How to Cite

Колегова (Oksana A. Kolegova) О. А. (2019). HISTORICAL CHARACTERS IN FOLK LEGENDS OF THE PERM REGION (Based on Publications of the 19th Century). Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.17072/2073-6681-2019-1-25-36

