


Russian dialect vocabulary, semantics, motivation, ethnolinguistics, etymological and morphological word family.


The present article deals with Russian dialect words originating from the root *bъdr-. The material is analyzed in terms of motivational relationships between lexemes within the word family. The study shows that the key idea, which was an original one for the semantic development of the words from the root *bъdr- and is contained in the etymological meaning of the pre-Slavic root, is the idea of vital energy, force, activity. The article also refers to some lexemes which were formed during the further derivation inside the word family. The scope of meanings include emotions, objects, qualities, general appraisal, physical and psychological characteristics, behavior, different non-specialized actions. The continuants of the semantically rela­ted roots *vesel- and *dobr- are compared with the root in question. This comparison gives grounds for corroboration of some motivational models, as well as allows us to make some conclusions about the development of semantics of vital force plenitude in Russian dialects. For example, continuants of *vesel- and *bъdr- are traced in the nominations of good mood, high speed of action and process of fermentation. The resemblance of *dobr- and *bъdr- can be noted in general positive assessment, good quality, health and ve­getative force. The author pays particular attention to the semantic and motivational peculiarities of the verb bódritsya ‘to neglect hospitality, to be squeamish about food’, and the adjective bódryy ‘about a person who refuses to eat, neglecting the hospitality’ (the Vologda region). The attention to these lexemes is due to their importance for ordinary folk: squeamishness and refusal to eat are regarded as disrespect towards the hosts, a sign of arrogance.

Author Biography

Яна Владимировна Малькова (Yana V. Malkova), Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin

Research Assistant in the Toponymic Laboratory of the Department of Russian Language, General Linguistics and Verbal Communication


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How to Cite

Малькова (Yana V. Malkova) Я. В. (2018). CONTINUANTS OF THE PRE-SLAVIC *BЪDR- IN RUSSIAN DIALECTS: SEMANTIC AND MOTIVATIONAL INTERPRETATION. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 10(4).

