



special vocabulary, regional vocabulary, lexico-thematic classification, historical dictionary, copper-smelting industry.


This article describes the system-lexicological basis of the project Dictionary of Copper-Smelting Terminology of the Perm Province at the end of the 18th–19th Centuries, which is close in its content to the lexicographic group of special, regional and historical publications.The main problem solved in this article is the determination of the lexico-thematic boundaries of the special language used in the copper-smelting sphere. To that end, the author determines the correspondence between the features of the technological organization of Perm copper-processing enterprises in the late 18th and 19th centuries and the nature of the lexicon of various special spheres.Based on the result of analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that the system of special vocabulary of copper-smelting has a field structure. The core of the field is formed by the vocabulary of the main production process, the near periphery – by the vocabulary of auxiliary production processes, the far periphery – by separate categories of the vocabulary of servicing production processes. In each category of the conceptual field, it is possible to distinguish lexical groups that denote different realities of material and performing techniques. In the author’s opinion, the results of this lexicological analysis should form the basis for the lexicographic principles of selecting lexicon from sources.The reliability of the indicated lexicographic concept is confirmed by its correlation with the principles of publishing linguistic dictionaries of special vocabulary of the past (Dictionary of Professional Lexicon of North Russia in the 15th–17th centuries, 2003), Dictionary of Gold Mining of the Russian Empire, 1998), historical encyclopedic dictionaries of the mining industry (Mountain Dictionary, 1841), and glossary-type materials devoted to historical descriptions of the copper industry of the Prikamye (Dictionary of Terms and Obsolete Words, 2016).

Author Biography

Лилия Михайловна Пантелеева (Liliya M. Panteleeva), Solikamsk State Pedagogical Institute of Perm State University (branch)

Associate Professor in the Department of Social Sciences and the Humanities


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How to Cite

Пантелеева (Liliya M. Panteleeva) Л. М. (2018). ON THE LEXICO-THEMATIC BOUNDARIES OF THE DICTIONARY OF COPPER-SMELTING TERMINOLOGY OF THE PERM PROVINCE (Late 18th–19th Century). Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 10(3). https://doi.org/10.17072/2037-6681-2018-3-80-88

