ON MODERN TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH STUDIES (for the Anniversary of Professor V. A. Salimovsky)





speech studies, functional stylistics, discourse analysis, speech system.


The article analyzes the linguistic views of Prof. Vladimir Salimovsky concerning the current trends in the development of modern linguistics and the humanities in general. In particular, the “new linguistic paradigm” is said not to imply any break with the previous ideas and methods, as it happened to natural sciences. Among the theoretically significant positions advocated by the scholar, there is an idea that the latest stage in the development of linguistics is marked by the formation of a new speech theory integrating the achievements of linguistics and speech studies in the comprehensive theory of textual activity at the new turn of evolution.An important goal of the theoretical studies by Prof. V. A. Salimovsky is to understand the nature of discourse analysis and the methodological role of functional stylistics in this field. The article justifies the importance of both interdisciplinary interaction in the methodology of new speech theory and the integration of ideas and methods of various trends within speech theory itself (for example, the Russian functional stylistics and French school of discourse). Most of the theoretical works of Prof. Salimovsky reveal the adherence to M. N. Kozhina’s concept to study texts of various functional styles and genres from the perspective of a speech system, which gains much recognition nowadays.It is worth mentioning that a great deal in these notes is a result of the author’s personal interpretations of some propositions either formulated in the works of V. А. Salimovsky or contained in his judgments in personal communication (in different situations). Therefore, full responsibility for what is presented in this article rests with the interpreter.

Author Biography

Валерий Александрович Мишланов (Valery A. Mishlanov), Perm State University

Professor in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication


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How to Cite

Мишланов (Valery A. Mishlanov) В. А. (2018). ON MODERN TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH STUDIES (for the Anniversary of Professor V. A. Salimovsky). Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 10(3). https://doi.org/10.17072/2037-6681-2018-3-65-71

