


spatial deixis, personal deixis, egocentrism, demonstratives, personal pronouns, Macedonian language, visualization.


The article deals with demonstratives and personal pronouns in the Macedonian language in the experimental aspect. Among others, Macedonian demonstratives include a member morpheme (article). Articles in the Macedonian language have three forms: with roots -v (the proximality indicator), -t (the mediality indicator), -n (the distality indicator). Since the use of articles is rather poor in the Bitola dialect being considered, we included in the experiment the task of using personal pronouns. Demonstratives and personal pronouns create the personal sphere of the speaker or participants in the speech act. It was of interest to us to trace the relationship of spatial and personal indicators in the sphere of personal communication. Thus, the purpose of the experiment was to determine the egocentric sphere of the speaker and the type of the deictic system in the Macedonian language.The material for the experiment included personal-oriented and spatial-oriented contexts by which informants determined the egocentric sphere of the speaker. There were 20 informants participating in the experiment – school children, who are supposed to be “naïve” native speakers.To process the experimental data, the information system “Semograph” was used. Work in the IS “Semograph” was performed in two stages. At the first stage, a project was created in which for each response of the subjects there was a separate context with a description of the relevant data. The next step was to automatically process the data entered.The interconnection of the components of the egocentric field is visually represented on interactive graphs. As the main visual means of display, an interactive graph with customizable means for preprocessing displayed data is used. For structured display of high-connectivity data, a circle graph is used.As a result of the experiment, a model of the egocentric field of the speaker was created, the relationship between personal-oriented and spatially-oriented parameters was shown.

Author Biographies

Наталия Владимировна Боронникова (Natalia V. Boronnikova), Perm State University

Associate Professor in the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

Александар Талески (Aleksandar Taleski), Institute of the Czech National Corpus


Константин Игоревич Белоусов (Konstantin I. Belousov), Perm State University

Professor in the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

Константин Валентинович Рябинин (Konstantin V. Ryabinin), Perm State University

Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematical Support for Computer Systems


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How to Cite

Боронникова (Natalia V. Boronnikova) Н. В., Талески (Aleksandar Taleski) А., Белоусов (Konstantin I. Belousov) К. И., & Рябинин (Konstantin V. Ryabinin) К. В. (2018). VISUAL REPRESENTATION OF THE EGOCENTRIC FIELD OF THE SPEAKER IN THE MACEDONIAN LANGUAGE (Experimental Study). Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 10(3).

