scientific text, modern scientific text, epistemic situation, epistemological modernity, cognitive-discourse-stylistic approach, discursive practices.Abstract
The review focuses on the concept “modern scientific text”, given in the title of the monograph under consideration. This concept is analyzed in the review through the prism of the social and philosophical concept of the “knowledge society”, the theory of modernity and postmodern philosophy, including its linguistic actualization. The integrated analysis of the concept presented in the monograph results from the consideration by its authors of the modern scientific text as a multidimensional phenomenon, on the one hand, generated by the innovative demands of the technologically evolving society, on the other hand, generating new connections of values, which, in themselves, constitute the derivation bases of new knowledge. The methodologically verified analysis of linguistic and textual units forming the integrity, consistency, stereotypeness and abstractness of the modern scientific text presented in the monograph Modern scientific text (through the prism of discursive changes) allows one to determine the parameters of scientific knowledge, the nature of which sets the vectors for the development of the Russian society in the coming decades. The research result should be qualified not only as a contribution of the Perm school of thought to the development of the postulates of modern linguistics and discourse science, but also as a scientific achievement that will contribute to the integration of modern linguistics and modern philosophy and sociology of language.References
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