


proverb, event, situation, event name, simple sentence, temporal and causal relationships, explicitness, implicitness.


In many researches dealing with interpretation of text, scholars (linguists, cognitivists, folklorists and others) often pay much attention to the concepts “event”, “eventfulness”, “situation” etc. and their characteristics.Proverbs, which belong to texts of a special type and genre, have specific characteristics of the representation of events. They become apparent in the nomenclature of the events themselves, including, e. g. those having a double semantic plan (Pancake week, sunshine, etc.), in the ways of their direct or indirect expression – by means of event names, participial verb forms, aspectual and lexical verb semantics and others (frightened, anguish), as well as in the nature of the arrangement of events in relation to each other. At the same time, as the analysis of proverbs with the structure of a simple sentence (units, which are extremely compressed) shows, a significant part of the information is presented in them in the compressed form, and therefore the proverb needs to be thought out and commented. For such a procedure, one needs extralinguistic and linguocultural information, which the native speaker does not always possess.Proverbs differ substantially in the degree of explicitness / implicitness of the verbalized information, and in the location, presence or absence of fragments of the event chain in the paremia, and in their semantic significance for forming the meaning of a unit as a whole.This article is devoted to the study of paremias with the structure of a simple sentence in terms of events, sheds light on the nature of the formation of their content and its coding. The observed patterns are not nationally marked, they are inherent in paremias as units of the folklore genre.

Author Biographies

Елена Ивановна Селиверстова (Elena I. Seliverstova), Saint Petersburg State University

Professor in the Department of Russian Language for the Faculties Teaching Humanities and Natural Science

Шуян Сунь (Sun Shuyang), Saint Petersburg State University

Postgraduate Student in the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Methods of Its Teaching


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How to Cite

Селиверстова (Elena I. Seliverstova) Е. И., & Сунь (Sun Shuyang) Ш. (2018). CHARACTERISTICS OF REPRESENTATION OF EVENTS IN RUSSIAN PROVERBS WITH THE STRUCTURE OF A SIMPLE SENTENCE. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 10(2).

