



Rech tonkosloviya grecheskogo, azbukovnik dictionary, historical lexicography.


The article reviews the history of the discovery and publication of the manuscripts of Greek-Old Slavonic dictionary Rech tonkosloviya grecheskogo. At the present time, four manuscripts of this monument are known, these discovered by N. K. Nikolsky, P. K. Simoni and M. Vasmer. Today the publication by M. Fasmer in 1922 with the study of the four manuscripts is considered to be the most complete edition of Rech tonkosloviya grecheskogo. However, one of the manuscripts mentioned by M. Vasmer, that is No. 1655 in the National Library of Russia, coll. of Pogodin, does not contain the monument under study. At the same time, the author of the article discovered another manuscript containing Rech tonkosloviya grecheskogo (No. 1648 in the National Library of Russia, coll. of Pogodin), in the course of studying which it turned out that exactly this manuscript was taken by M. Vasmer for publication. This manuscript has been known in scientific literature, it contains a special edition of Rech tonkosloviya grecheskogo with a different arrangement of dictionary entries. The article describes the manuscript of the National Library of Russia, coll. of M. P. Pogodin, No. 1648, and thematic groups of vocabulary represented in it. Thus, a mistake repeated in modern studies on Old Russian lexicography has been corrected. The author of the article proves that to study and publish this dictionary it is necessary to involve not the manuscript of the National Library of Russia, coll. of M. P. Pogodin, No. 1655, indicated by M. Fasmer, but the manuscript of the National Library of Russia, coll. of M. P. Pogodin, No. 1648. Moreover, the article contains references to other manuscripts, which include fragmentary materials from Rech tonkosloviya grecheskogo. These new vocabulary materials containing the dictionary in question will also help in studying the monuments of historical lexicography.

Author Biography

Александр Николаевич Левичкин (Alexander N. Levichkin), Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Senior Researcher in the Department of Dictionaries


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How to Cite

Левичкин (Alexander N. Levichkin) А. Н. (2018). ABOUT MANUSCRIPTS OF RECH TONKOSLOVIYA GRECHESKOGO. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 10(2). https://doi.org/10.17072/2037-6681-2018-2-30-38

