



contemporary Russian and German poetry, new trends after 1989, heterogeneity of poetry, theoretical problems, poetic practices, artistic languages, new values and traditions in poetry.


The paper provides a review of the collection of scientific articles (in the German language) dealing with the study of the main trends in German and Russian poetry after 1989: Gedichte schreiben in Zeiten der Umbrüche. Tendenzen der Lyrik seit 1989 in Russland und Deutschland / Hrsg. von Henriecke Stahl und Hermann Korte. Band 2. Leipzig: BiblionMedia, 2016. 676 S.This publication is an outstanding event in literary studies. The reviewed collection of scientific articles reflects mutual interest of German scientists in contemporary Russian poetry, and Russian philologists in poetic works by German authors.The articles in this collection cover the latest main trends and artistic landmarks of contemporary Russian and German poetry, reveal the new values and traditions in poetry, characterize the work of famous and significant poets of the last decades. Materials, presented in 5 sections, conceptualize the new trends in the development of contemporary poetry that appeared during historically significant periods for Germany and Russia (1989, 2000), the new nature of poetic texts (heterogeneity, performativity), determined by the accelerated socio-cultural changes and migration processes in the countries.In the new historical and aesthetic conditions, in the new information culture, new forms of existence of poetry are developing, determined by the art market, publishers’ interests and the new demands of readers. Contemporary poetry is increasingly living in the social media (Vkontakte, LiveJournal), acting as a platform for political discussions on the topic of the day.Today the trend of objectification of poetry is an important stage in its development. Free verse and experimental poetry, “primitivist” and political poetry with its protest potential, intermedia and visual poetry projects in Russia and Germany are perceived as a sign of that objectification.The main significance of the collection under review is determined by the theoretical understanding of poetic practices and artistic languages, coexisting today in the poetic landscape, as well as a two-way analysis techniques in the study of the latest Russian and German poetry.

Author Biography

Галина Васильевна Кучумова (Galina V. Kuchumova), Samara National Research University

Professor in the Department of German Philology


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How to Cite

Кучумова (Galina V. Kuchumova) Г. В. (2018). WRITING POETRY IN THE TIME OF CHANGE: THE MAIN TRENDS IN GERMAN AND RUSSIAN POETRY AFTER 1989. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 9(4). https://doi.org/10.17072/2037-6681-2017-4-154-160

