


scientific discourse, communication in science, scientific text, reference structure of scientific text, scientific publication.


The review of the monograph by V. E. Chernyavskaya Scientific Discourse: Representation of Results as Communicative and Linguistic Problem (Moscow, 2017) states that the most important task of this book lies in attracting attention of research community to communication problems in science in the 21st century. The review’s authors examine a range of issues that are of current importance to modern stylistics of scientific language. These include science in epistemic and socio-cultural contexts, commercialization of science, imbalance between fundamental and applied researches, forms of knowledge spread, structure of modern scientific text etc. The reviewers emphasize a high topicality, social and scientific importance of the monograph as its author analyzes a combination of factors influencing perception and evaluation of knowledge in the modern information society as well as proposes a reference text structure contributing to successful promotion of scientific results. According to the reviewers’ opinion, the monograph meets the need to conceive the global scientific discourse and pay attention to the issues of representation, perception and evaluation of scientific knowledge. The review also considers some debatable issues of modern scientific communication, namely selection of a language for publication, difficulties in promoting knowledge in the humanities, contradictions between a perception subject and institutional factors that impede productive cognitive activity etc. The review underlines the unanimity of Professor V. E. Chernyavskaya’s views and the views of Perm School of Functional Stylistics on the structure of scientific text and its role in the development of science.

Author Biographies

Елена Александровна Баженова (Elena A. Bazhenova), Perm State University

Head of the Department of Russian Language and Stylistics

Мария Павловна Котюрова (Maria P. Koturova), Perm State University

Professor in the Department of Russian Language and Stylistics


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How to Cite

Баженова (Elena A. Bazhenova) Е. А., & Котюрова (Maria P. Koturova) М. П. (2018). SCIENTIFIC TEXT IN THE GLOBAL SCIENTIFIC DISCOURSE OF THE 21ST CENTURY. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 9(4).




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