


juridical discourse, doctrinal discourse, doctrinal translational discourse, discourse functions, linguistic identity, the stereotype / creative, harmonious translation, translation space.


Based on the discourse functions analysis, the authors give their own interpretation of the discourse named “doctrinal translational discourse”. The current state of discourse analysis is characterized with an increased attention from linguists to its functions displayed in a definite communication sphere. It permits one to define the following basic discourse functions – social, cultural, pragmatic, cognitive and intertextual ones. The purpose of the article is to determine the place and role of the doctrinal discourse, being one of juridical discourse types. The subject of the research interest is the doctrinal discourse. Its particularities are revealed when analyzing the communicative linguistic behavior of the translator as a linguistic identity, which allows for classifying it as a translational discourse. As far as the doctrinal discourse is not included into the conceptual and categorical framework of modern discourse studies, the authors address to some European scientists’ researches revealing the doctrinal discourse within other juridical discourse types. Using texts devoted to the translation process problems as a material for analysis, the authors manage to distinguish “the doctrinal translational discourse” as an integral discourse type. The research is done within the conception named “translation space” and the theory of harmonization, worked out by of one of the article’s authors. The study of the doctrinal translational discourse is conducted from the perspective of the problem of the creative and stereotype in the actions of the translator as a subject of the discourse. It is proved by the authors that interrelation of the stereotype and creative influences the production of a harmonious target text within special discourse types.

Author Biographies

Людмила Вениаминовна Кушнина (Lyudmila V. Kushnina), Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages, Linguistics and Translation

Анна Игоревна Криворучко (Anna I. Krivoruchko), Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Assistant in the Department of Foreign Languages, Linguistics and Translation


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How to Cite

Кушнина (Lyudmila V. Kushnina) Л. В., & Криворучко (Anna I. Krivoruchko) А. И. (2018). DOCTRINAL TRANSLATIONAL DISCOURSE AMONG OTHER DISCOURSE TYPES. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 9(4).

