


Russian language, dialectology, dictionary, vocabulary, Volga region, Samara dialects, clothing, footwear.


The article considers the system and structural organization of designation of clothing and footwear in the Russian dialects of the Samara region. The lexical data of dialectological archives and personal records of dialect words made in dialectological expeditions are used. The relevance of the investigation is determined by the problems of the adequate description of the vocabulary of clothing and footwear in the dictio­nary of the Samarа dialects. The article solves the problem of including archaic words and designations of clothing and footwear recorded in dictionaries of literary language into the dialect dictionary.The structure of this thematic group is presented. The dialect vocabulary under study can be divided into seven groups: generalized designations of clothing and footwear; designation of men’s and women’s outer clothing; designations of the outer humeral clothing (shirt); designations of clothing with a belt (apron); designations of footwear; designations of clothing for hands (glove) and clothing for legs (stockings). Special attention is paid to the nominating components organizing the thematic groups. The typology of correspondence between the dialect words and their literary equivalents is worked out. The paper notes the development of the semantic structure of the dialect words designating clothing. It is established that designation of clothing and footwear has typological similarities with dialects of both polar dialect groups of the Russian language. A group of vocabulary that unites the Samara dialects with other dialects of the Volga region is identified. Designations of clothing in the Samara secondary dialects are concluded to be of a specific character.

Author Biography

Татьяна Евгеньевна Баженова (Tatyana E. Bazhenova), Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Associate Professor in the Department of Russian Language, Culture of Speech and Their Teaching Methods


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How to Cite

Баженова (Tatyana E. Bazhenova) Т. Е. (2018). DESIGNATIONS OF CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR IN THE SAMARА DIALECTS. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 10(1).

