
  • Клара Эрновна Штайн (Clara E. Stein) North-Caucasus Federal University
  • Денис Иванович Петренко (Denis I. Petrenko) Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute


syncretism, usual and occasional substantive lexemes, symbolism.


The article is devoted to the problem of aesthetics of A. Blok’s poetic language as a way to create the «active» form of poetry. The main pragmatic aim of symbolists is defined as coauthorship between a poet and a reader. A. Blok’s poetry is characterized by the use of a wide range of such grammatical text units as substantive lexemes, from usual to occasional ones. Thus, operating the language as classification essence, the poet can show complementarity and uncertainty in a human’s perception of the world phenomena through ambiguous syncretic language units. Poetic text is capable of «reviving» all previous meanings of substantive lexemes in internal semantic forms, and these previous meanings start «working» equally with actual text meanings of substantivе lexemes. A substantivе lexeme not only «stores» the whole system of its previous transformations in its internal form but in certain contexts is capable of reproducing them through complementarity relations, that is through equal manifestation of mutually exclusive properties in the same language unit. Substantivе lexemes as syncretic language means are typical of A. Blok’s poetry style. Basing on language invariants, the poet comes to such a ramified system of language variants that it makes a relatively independent subsystem of A. Blok’s poetic language, contributing to the creation of «active» poetic forms.

Author Biographies

Клара Эрновна Штайн (Clara E. Stein), North-Caucasus Federal University

Professor in the Department of Russian Language

Денис Иванович Петренко (Denis I. Petrenko), Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute

Professor in the Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Philological and Historical Disciplines


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How to Cite

Штайн (Clara E. Stein) К. Э., & Петренко (Denis I. Petrenko) Д. И. (2017). SYNCRETIC PHENOMENA IN A. BLOK’S POETRY. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, (1). Retrieved from

