
  • Татьяна Григорьевна Лазарева (Tatyana G. Lazareva) Kurgan State University


bard, Tomas the Rhymer (Lermaunt), Tristan-Tristrem, ancient poetical techniques, Celtic druids.


The article is devoted to some peculiarities of poetical techniques used in the medieval romance «Sir Tristrem» ascribed to the famous Scottish bard Thomas the Rhymer. А stereotypical view on it as a brief retelling of the well-known «Le Roman de Tristan par Thomas» brought the Scottish narration to the periphery of the mediaevalists’ research interests. Nevertheless, studying the complex verse and stanza structures, peculiarities of its style and vocabulary, «motifs instruments» and the system of images in «Sir Tristrem», it is possible to conclude that its author used very old poetical techniques, developed by Celtic druids, and narrated the story very important to them for some reason.

Author Biography

Татьяна Григорьевна Лазарева (Tatyana G. Lazareva), Kurgan State University

Associate Professor in the Department of English Philology


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How to Cite

Лазарева (Tatyana G. Lazareva) Т. Г. (2017). THOMAS THE RHYMER’S ROMANCE «SIR TRISTREM»: ON TRACES OF THE ANCIENT CELTIC TECHNIQUES IN MEDIEVAL POETRY. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, (1). Retrieved from

