
  • Лилия Рашидовна Дускаева (Liliya R. Duskayeva) Saint Petersburg State University


praxeology, professional style, speech genres, speech interaction.


Basing on the integrative concept of style, developed in the works by Professor Stanisław Gajda, the author of the article argues the distinction of the prosecutorial professional style as a speech variety of the official style, which is realized in a system of prescribing, requesting and informing genres. The analysis of the internal differentiation of the Russian prosecutorial professional style shows that, along with stylistic features common to the official macro style, this professional style has special traits – comparative juridical assessment and contrary relations of semantic positions, – which are expressed in each speech genre in a specific way. The stylistic and speech analysis of two genre models – the protest and application – demonstrates that they follow typical algorithms of prosecutors’ professional speech activity. The study shows that the professional style of prosecutors represents one of the types of speech activities in the juridical field.

Author Biography

Лилия Рашидовна Дускаева (Liliya R. Duskayeva), Saint Petersburg State University

Professor in the Department of Speech Communication


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How to Cite

Дускаева (Liliya R. Duskayeva) Л. Р. (2017). PROSECUTORIAL PROFESSIONAL STYLE: STYLISTIC FEATURES AND SPEECH GENRES. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, (2). Retrieved from

