
  • Ольга Геннадьевна Твердохлеб (Olga G. Tverdohleb) Orenburg State Pedagogical University




Acmeism, comparative, adjective, materiality, consistency.


The article attempts to establish the relationship between the linguistic features of poetic texts by N. S. Gumilev and the basic ideological principles of acmeists, including the requirement of attention to material details and the requirement of consistency. Quantitative data on the use of comparatives in Gumilev’s poetry with the aim of creating a clear and logical syntactical structure are provided. Based on a large bulk of examples, it is shown that in comparative structures used by the poet the object of comparison is presented by the form of the genitive case of nouns belonging to different lexical-thematic groups. Among these there are names of inanimate realia, household items (clothes, furniture and utensils; substances, materials and food; human body parts; architectural structures); names of natural phenomena (natural disasters and atmospheric phenomena; seasons, parts of the day; plants and animals) and names of abstract realia (actions, feelings, physical and physiological sensations). Special attention is paid to the names of living creatures as comparison objects, those mainly presented by general designations (a man, a woman, a wife, a virgin), which adds aphoristic nature to Gumilev’s poetry. It is noted that personal pronouns are only occasionally used both as objects and subjects of comparison, which is caused by the fact that representation of the intimate world is not typical of the poet’s works. It is described how more vivid and expressive images are created when comparison is converged with other stylistic devices (synonymy and antonymy, hyperbole, repetition, word-formation means, injection of comparatives). The author comes to the conclusion that in the case of Gumilev literalism of Acmeism manifests itself through clear communication of plain high wisdom, which to some extent specifies the event being described.

Author Biography

Ольга Геннадьевна Твердохлеб (Olga G. Tverdohleb), Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Methods of Teaching Russian Language


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How to Cite

Твердохлеб (Olga G. Tverdohleb) О. Г. (2017). OBJECTS OF COMPARISON IN NIKOLAY GUMILEV’S POETRY. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, (3). https://doi.org/10.17072/2037-6681-2016-3-59-66

