persuasiveness, media text, evaluation category, authorization category, dialogicality, discourse, Internet newspaper.Abstract
The article examines the discursive and stylistic features of contemporary media texts, gives the definition of persuasiveness, validates the categorical status of this concept, and reveals the structure of the category of persuasiveness and its realization in texts of modern electronic newspapers, as well as the relationship between this category and subcategories of authorization, dialogicality and evaluation. A conclusion is drawn about the special role the category of evaluation plays in the implementation of the influence function of newspaper publicistic text.The article provides substantiation for the use of discursive and stylistic method of media text analysis as a basic method allowing one to explain the influence potential of media texts considering extralinguistic factors of their generation. Special attention is paid to identifying stylistic techniques of affecting a reader which are used in texts of modern online newspapers. The article discusses in detail methods of persuasion and suggestion and how they interact with each other. The principle of text formation in media communications is analyzed. The article considers system characteristics of the author as a style-shaping category of publicistic text, the ways of the author's individuality manifestation, and features of the author’s communication with the target audience.References
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