
  • Лариса Михайловна Алексеева (Larisa M. Alekseeva) Perm State University
  • Светлана Леонидовна Мишланова (Svetlana L. Mishlanova) Perm State University



Perm school of metaphor, metaphor, discourse, derivation, term, metaphor competence.


The article deals with the history and principles of creation of metaphor theory within the framework of derivatology at Perm linguistic school. The sources and premises for the school of metaphor formation are revealed; the main stages of the school development are described. The main theses and results are discussed. The main lines of research and prospects are analyzed, including such areas as metaphorical term creation, cognitive metaphor, metaphor in discourse, multimodal metaphor, metaphor competence. It is noted that search for new aspects of studying metaphor (e.g. multimodal and gestural theories) is typical of Perm school of metaphor. Within the school much attention is given to applied studies, to research into cross-cultural specificity of metaphor and to the dynamics of metaforization in various institutional types of discourse. One of the currently important research areas is formation of metaphorical competence as the ability to identify metaphors in discourse, interpret them and use in speech.

Author Biographies

Лариса Михайловна Алексеева (Larisa M. Alekseeva), Perm State University

Professor in the Department of Linguodidactics

Светлана Леонидовна Мишланова (Svetlana L. Mishlanova), Perm State University

Head of the Department of Linguodidactics


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How to Cite

Алексеева (Larisa M. Alekseeva) Л. М., & Мишланова (Svetlana L. Mishlanova) С. Л. (2017). PERM SCHOOL OF METAPHOR. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, (3).




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