
  • Алексей Генриевич Минченков (Alexey G. Minchenkov) Saint Petersburg State University
  • Александра Александровна Горелова (Alexandra A. Gorelova) Saint Petersburg State University



concept, concept DISRESPECT, vector concept, subconcept, cognitive domain, cognitive context.


The aim of the article is to describe the means of representing the concept DISRESPECT in text and to identify subconcepts evoked by these means and also possible combinations of the subconcepts. The study is based on texts by British fiction authors of the second half of the 19th – early 20th century. It is shown that the concept in question has a variety of textual means of representation, which belong to different grammatical classes, mainly adjectives and participles functioning as attributes. Among the nouns that express the concept, a special group is distinguished that includes invectives. In addition, the concept can be expressed by phrases and illocutionary particles. Of special interest are means belonging to different grammatical classes that express DISRESPECT only in specific contexts. The study reveals an important feature of the concept – it appears to be a vector concept representing two types of situations: showing disrespect and reacting to disrespect. The vector type of the concept quite often determines how the subconcepts combine with each other. When disrespect is shown, it is more often that the subconcepts evoked belong to the cognitive domain BEHAVIOR, although they can sometimes belong to two different domains – BEHAVIOR and FEELING. In situations identified as reaction to perceived disrespect, subconcepts that belong to the two different domains are normally evoked together.

Author Biographies

Алексей Генриевич Минченков (Alexey G. Minchenkov), Saint Petersburg State University

Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages for Students of Physics and Chemistry

Александра Александровна Горелова (Alexandra A. Gorelova), Saint Petersburg State University

Senior Lecturer in the Department of Foreign Languages for Students of Physics and Chemistry


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How to Cite

Минченков (Alexey G. Minchenkov) А. Г., & Горелова (Alexandra A. Gorelova) А. А. (2017). MEANS OF REPRESENTING THE CONCEPT DISRESPECT IN ENGLISH TEXT. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, (4).

