
  • Алевтина Степановна Лобанова (Alevtina S. Lobanova) Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University



Komi-Permyak language, ornithonym, linguoculture, stereotype, set expression.


The article considers views associated with the ornithonym raka “crow” that are typical of the Komi-Permyak people. The stereotypes related to the crow are identified by means of the functional-semantic research method. The most interesting ones among them are the stereotypes of aesthetic ugliness, absence of mind, financial insolvency.The research involves analysis of folk sayings and superstitions, proverbs and idioms connected with this bird. From a linguoculturological perspective, the ornithonym under study is frequently used in similes and set expressions while in other paroemias this image is rather rare.Folk explanations concerning the environment, beauty and carelessness, prosperity and poverty are often interpreted by the Komi-Permyak people by means of the image of a crow. Based on linguistic data, one can distinguish several metaphorically motivated connotations: status, appearance, physical and emotional state of the subject.It is noteworthy that the image of raka “crow” is referred by the Komi-Permyak people mostly to male characteristics, which is considered by the author to be an exceptionally national feature. It implies the condemnation of the social or financial failure of a man and represents the national family code: a man should own a house, must be successful throughout his life and wear good quality clothes, regarded as the first visual sign of his success.

Author Biography

Алевтина Степановна Лобанова (Alevtina S. Lobanova), Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University

Associate Professor in the Department of Teaching Methods for Russian Language and Literature


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How to Cite

Лобанова (Alevtina S. Lobanova) А. С. (2017). THE ORNITHONYM RAKA “CROW” IN THE KOMI-PERMYAK LANGUAGE: LINGUOCULTURAL ASPECT. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, (4).

