
  • Екатерина Александровна Горбунова (Ekaterina A. Gorbunova) Togliatti State University



nature poetry, women’s characters, isolation, political motives, metaphor of «coldness», parallelismus membrorum, psalm.


The article deals with the transformation of the biblical genre of psalm in the German-language poetry. This transformation is shown through the example of works by the German poet Peter Huchel. In the article, three of his poems having the same title «Psalm» are analyzed. The interrelation between the content of these poems and the form of the biblical genre is of particular interest. P. Huchel transforms the traditional idea of psalm as a genre, its form and content. The first poem belongs to his earlier period and is devoted to different women’s characters, and one can trace there both biblical and pagan motifs. The second psalm has a more political tone and expresses the author’s attitude to the situation in the world at that time. It is noteworthy that the poem was initially entitled «Bombe gegen bombe» but then renamed. This proves that the poet wanted to show how the content of the poem correlates with religious motifs. The third poem has the title «Winterpsalm» and contains nature motifs, personification of the nature and inner feelings of the lyric hero, who finds himself isolated.

Author Biography

Екатерина Александровна Горбунова (Ekaterina A. Gorbunova), Togliatti State University

Postgraduate Student in the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation


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How to Cite

Горбунова (Ekaterina A. Gorbunova) Е. А. (2017). PSALMS BY P. HUCHEL: TRANSFORMATION OF THE BIBLICAL GENRE. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, (4).

