
  • Марина Владимировна Цветкова (Marina V. Tsvetkova) National Research University Higher School of Economics (Nizhny Novgorod)



Marina Tsvetaeva, Karolina Pavlova, poet and creativity as a subject of poetry, Russian poetry, Russian women poets.


The article provides a comparative analysis of creative work of two Russian poets – Marina Tsvetaeva and Karolina Pavlova, with a special emphasis on the affinity between their conceptions of a poet’s destiny and creativity, characterizing their poetry. The analysis reveals numerous explicit and implicit echoes of Pavlova’s writings in Tsvetaeva’s poems and essays: treatment of poetry as a serious “masculine” business, craft; representation of a poet as the chosen one, as a creature who does not belong to “this world”; view of the earthly world as vulgar and banal, as a prison for a poetic soul. Both poets see poetic gift as a special kind of sensitivity, ability to hear voices, to divine, and consequently, as a tribulation – since it makes a poet an outcast. Both Tsvetaeva and Pavlova use motifs of dream as a special creative state; night as a special time for creativity; flight and having wings as a special characteristic of a poet’s soul.

Author Biography

Марина Владимировна Цветкова (Marina V. Tsvetkova), National Research University Higher School of Economics (Nizhny Novgorod)

Professor in the Department of Literature and Intercultural Communication


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How to Cite

Цветкова (Marina V. Tsvetkova) М. В. (2017). MARINA TSVETAЕVA – KAROLINA PAVLOVA. THE DIALOGUE ON SECRETS OF THE CRAFT. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, (4).




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