language preferential policy, ethnic republics of the Russian Federation, language policyAbstract
The problem of the rights of ethnic and linguistic minorities is relevant in the present-day world. When it comes to Russia, public discussions are due to the changes in the federal language policy after the summer of 2017. The ongoing dispute about the mother tongue of titular ethnic groups in the republics of Russia makes it important to raise a question of the variability of language preferential policy and its factors. The article presents a new database ‘Language policy in multi-ethnic regions of Russia’ and discusses theoretical explanations for the variability in the institutionalization of language preferential policy and the effects of language politics in ethnic republics of Russia. Of particular controversy are the issues related to the right to mother tongue and / or education in the mother tongue. At the same time, regulatory legal acts and government-sponsored schemes for the mother tongue education are the most resource-heavy. The realization of such schemes requires a systematic implementation. Therefore, the education system should be considered a key arena for the language preferential policy. Agent, context and institutional factors complement the set of structural factors. All these in a complex configuration determine the scope, content and regional variation of the language policy in education. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2019-3-99-110References
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