

The ethical standards of the journal are the following (See “Regulations of Ethical Standards of Editorial Policy of Perm State University”).

The manuscript for the blind reviewing formatted according to the rules (see “Requirements to the manuscripts” and “Article Data”  should be sent to the editorial board by e-mail (

The e-mail letter with the article enclosed should be sent from the e-mail address  provided by the author in his “Information about the Author” section. In the letter the author is to confirm the following: “I’m submitting the article to the “Herald of Perm State University. Russian and Foreign Philology”. I guarantee that this article was written by me and was never published before. I give my consent for the article to be displayed on the “Herald”’s site. I am fully responsible for the copyright of all sources used by me” (if any part of an article was already published the author gives the information about the published part and where it was published)

Ask the editors to confirm your article was received by the editorial board. Make sure your article was received.

Another submission of the article should be done on the site of the journal. The first step here is the registration with filling in all the necessary forms. Make sure that "Читатель: Уведомлять по электронной почте о публикации нового выпуска журнала" (“Reader: to be notified about the latest issues of the journal”) is marked.

Peer-reviewing of the articles is done according to the “Regulation of Peer-reviewing of the Articles submitted to the “Herald of Perm State University. Russian and Foreign philology”.

The editors kindly ask the authors to be punctual during the processes of publishing and marketing of the article and to answer all the letters from the editors without delay.


After the article being reviewed and accepted, it is published in the journal. The License Contract which gives the right to use the materials in Perm State University journals is made (one copy for the editors and one copy for each author) and signed by the author (authors)  when the article is accepted.

Privacy Statement

Names and emails submitted to the site of the journal will be used only for the purposes indicated by the editors. They will not be used for other purposes. They will not be announced to the other people or organisations.

License agreement

Consent to personal data