The Works of Andrei Volos in Modern Literary Studies and Criticism
Andrei Volos; modern literary studies; modern criticism; image of the author; traditions; theme of the East; image of the East., Andrei Volos; modern literary studies; modern criticism; image of the author; traditions; theme of the East; image of the EastAbstract
The article offers an overview of critical writings devoted to the works of Andrei Volos. The author analyzes papers by writers and critics A. Bitov, A. Vasilevsky, O. Kudrin, I. Kukulin, A. Latynina, I. Loginov, V. Oskotsky, M. Remizova, I. Rostovtseva, Yu. Surovtsev, A. Salomatin, literary critics S. Abashin, Z. Azizova, A. Kazimirchuk, M. Maracheva, V. Maroshi, V. Meskin, T. Polovinkina, G. Rebel, E. Sergeeva, E. Shafranskaya. It is shown that of particular interest to researchers in the works of A. Volos are the theme of the East and the methods of its artistic implementation, the features of the plot and composition, style and genre traditions. The article discusses a number of other major problems, including the connection of the writer’s works with the traditions of Russian, Persian, and Tajik literature, the principles of reproducing Eastern spirituality (in particular, Muslim culture), the images of ‘oriental’ characters, the image of the author himself, and the system of his philosophical beliefs. All these questions are unexplored or insufficiently studied. The analysis of critical works proposed in the article helps to gain an idea of the significance of the figure of A. Volos as a prose writer, of his uniqueness and place in the modern literary process. Studying the works of A. Volos, scholars and critics come to a conclusion about his unique approach to literature and deep understanding of various aspects of history, culture, and society. His works are distinguished by their multi-layeredness, ambiguity, and vitality, which makes them especially attractive to readers and researchers.References
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