The Functioning of Lexemes Having Bound Stems with Prefixes de-/re-
prefix; bound stem; bound root; semantics; desemantization; word-formation; lexeme; context.Abstract
The article considers the peculiarities of the functioning of lexemes with prefixes de- and re- in bound stems. The study is divided into four parts: introduction, description of the codified meanings of prefixes de- and re- and their word-formation valence, description of the correlation paradigm of lexemes with these prefixes in bound stems, conclusions. The work provides semantic characteristics and valence indicators of the prefixes in modern Russian for comparison with their original meanings in the source language – Latin, as well as for tracing the further transformation path of these meanings up to the modern stage of the development of the Russian language, where they were borrowed as part of lexemes through European languages. The material under study is pairs of words with prefixes de- and re- that correlate with the same bound stem, which makes it possible to isolate and describe the semantics of these prefixes and further determine in what paradigmatic relations the words are in a lexical pair (antonymy or synonymy). Etymological and semantic analysis of each studied lexeme is carried out based on etymological explanatory dictionaries, as well as by considering the word in context. The study draws attention to the fact that in combination with bound stems, prefixes can independently create the meaning of a word due to the darkening of the internal form and partial desemantization of the root morpheme. Prefixes de- and re- themselves can also be desemantized, which ultimately leads to conclusions about the functioning of such prefixes with bound stems. The study has established the similarity of word-forming models for prefixes de- and re- when used with divisible and indivisible stems. It has also been found that such words can form synonymous pairs in the case where both the lexeme with prefix re- and the lexeme with prefix de- have a component of the meaning ‘reverse action’. Such pairs can also form antonymic relationships if neither of the prefixes has been desemantized.References
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