The Linguistic Mechanisms of Creating New Words in Russian (a Case Study of Gamers’ Slang)
gamer; slang; lexical processes; neologism; metaphor; metonymy; pun; transcription; transliteration; calque; borrowing; abbreviation; clipping; onomatopoeia; game environment.Abstract
The ongoing lexical processes in the modern Russian language include the emergence of new words. Traditionally, language mechanisms involved in the development of new concepts are considered to include borrowing (transcription, transliteration, calque translation), metaphor and metonymy, and play on words. Gaming slang is a subtype of computer slang. It is a means of self-expression, of expressing emotions and evaluation, the use of slang words helps save time. Gaming slang can be divided into two main categories – global and local. Global slang is common to gamers all over the world, while local slang words are understood only by native speakers of the same language. The article analyzes the linguistic mechanisms involved in the creation of new lexical units in the slang of gamers playing popular online computer games. The research is novel in that it deals with previously unstudied linguistic material and its linguistic interpretation. In the course of research, a targeted sample of slang words used by gamers was created on the basis of game chats and Internet forums as well as the website; then the recorded lexemes were classified taking into account derivational mechanisms. The total number of analyzed units is 100. The author studies the lexical processes occurring in the modern Russian language, presents the notions of computer slang and gaming slang, describes their differences. The paper provides a detailed analysis of the selected units of slang with respect to the implementation of such linguistic mechanisms as transcription, transliteration, calque translation, metaphor, metonymy and play on words; the most frequently used mechanism is identified. Methodologically the study is based on: works of N. S. Valgina devoted to modern Russian as well as active processes occurring in the vocabulary of the Russian language; scientific and popular science works on semantics and lexicology by M. A. Krongauz; scientific articles by other modern scholars on lexicology and stylistics. The relevance of the topic for the Russian and foreign scientific community is determined by the expanding Russian-language slang vocabulary used by gamers, the involvement of a large number of native Russian speakers in computer gaming communication, and the need for scientific reflection on the linguistic processes that characterize this discourse practice.References
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