Conceptualization and Categorization of the Event ‘damage’ in the Russian Language: Frame Modeling of the Lexico-Semantic Group of Verbs


  • Xu Lili Institute of Foreign Languages, Nankai University
  • Zhu Jinxuan Институт иностранных языков, Нанькайский университет



verbs of damage; conceptualization; categorization; procedural-event world; frame.


In the article, verbs are considered not just as a designation of an action or state of an object, but as the main means of verbalization and objectification of the conceptual content and categorical structure of events that exist in the minds of native speakers. By means of a systemic analysis of the lexico-semantic group of verbs, the peculiarities of conceptualization and categorization of the event ‘damage’ in the lexical system of the Russian language are identified. Through the classification of semantic components of verbs of damage, the frame structure of the linguistic representation of the event ‘damage’ is revealed. It has been established that the key components in the conceptual frame of the category of the event ‘damage’ are the slots ‘object of damage’, ‘method of damage’, and ‘result of damage’. Different subcategories of the event ‘damage’ are identified within the frame slots. In the slot ‘object of damage’, it is possible to distinguish damage to objects of the material world, represented in the primary meanings of verbs, and damage to objects of the ideal world, expressed through metaphorical derivation of verbal semantics. Depending on the method of damage, various types of damage are identified, including damage caused by sharp objects or weapons, body parts of living beings, high or low temperature, strong pressure or impact, as well as prolonged use. According to the result of damage, there are identified subcategories such as ‘the formation of holes, openings, and cracks’, ‘the appearance of grooves on the surface of an object or shallow wounds on the body in the form of narrow stripes’, ‘the formation of calluses’, ‘the separation of the object from its base’, ‘changes in the cleanliness of the object’, and ‘the infliction of damage in multiple places’.

Author Biographies

Xu Lili , Institute of Foreign Languages, Nankai University

Lecturer at the Faculty of Russian Language

Zhu Jinxuan, Институт иностранных языков, Нанькайский университет

Student at the Faculty of Russian Language


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How to Cite

Lili С. ., & Jinxuan Ч. (2024). Conceptualization and Categorization of the Event ‘damage’ in the Russian Language: Frame Modeling of the Lexico-Semantic Group of Verbs. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 16(3).

