On the Semantics of the Verbal Prefix o-/ob- in Russian Vernacular Dialects (Based on Vocabulary Denoting Consciousness Disorders)





dialectology; Russian dialect vocabulary; prefixes; word formation; semantic and motivational reconstruction.


The article examines the system of meanings of the verbal prefix o-/ob- as participating in the formation of dialectal denominations of consciousness disorders. In the course of study, the lexical data were divided depending on the nature of the motivating word stem. O-/ob- denominal and verbal derivatives were also divided into subgroups. Certain types of semantic relations between the original word and the derivative were studied within the subgroups. The meanings of the affix identified on the basis of the standard language data are mostly relevant to dialect vocabulary; however, the noted models often turn out to be more productive in vernacular dialects: the meaning ‘to become like the object named by the motivating stem’ (c. f. the standard language word okamenе́t’, i. e., to become like a stone ‘because of surprise, fear, etc., to freeze’) is embodied in the Northern ostolо́pit’sya (because of fright, amazement, etc.), which means to ‘become like a stolо́p’, i.e., a pillar (Novg., Leningr., Zaonezh., Olon., North., Kalin.), in the Yaroslav., Olon. ostozhít’ ‘to become motionless because of fright, amazement, etc.’ (‘to become like a hay stack’), etc. In cases of de-etymologization of the inner form, we propose an interpretation of the linguistic fact. For example, the Arkh. lexeme oburе́t’ (obyrе́t’) ‘to come to one’s senses’ is referred to the subgroup of the perfectivation meaning (bring to an end) since there should be restored the prefix ob- and the root -vyr- (with the general meaning of a positive internal change) (c. f. the Tver., Novg. word vyrе́t’ ‘get used to, acquire skills in something’). The root has undergone transformations on the morphemic seam. The ‘activation’ of different meanings of the prefix during word formation leads to the polarization: the Olon. obumе́t’ ‘to go out of mind, to become stupid, to become forgetful’ and the Murman. obumе́t’ ‘to get smart’.

Author Biography

Tatyana A. Makshakova, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin

Research Engineer at the Laboratory of Digital Technologies in Historical and Cultural Studies


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How to Cite

Makshakova Т. А. . (2023). On the Semantics of the Verbal Prefix o-/ob- in Russian Vernacular Dialects (Based on Vocabulary Denoting Consciousness Disorders). Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 15(4). https://doi.org/10.17072/2073-6681-2023-4-60-69

