Initiation Novel in Works by J. Green




initiation novel; teenager; the process of growing; self-identification; national motifs.


This article explicates the theme of growing up and self-identification of adolescents in modern US literature. Analysis of these problems seems important from the point of view of literary research and study of the genre ‘initiation novel’, as well as from general cultural and social perspectives. The study aims at a detailed investigation of narrative features of novels as well as the structure of the plot and the chronotope to identify specific features of the initiation novel in modern US literature on the basis of the novels Looking for Alaska, Paper Towns, The Fault in Our Stars by J. Green. It is concluded that a compelling plot, philosophical problems (the identity of the main character, overcoming of crises), a subjective perception of time and space, confessional narration, traditional motifs of loss, experiencing death, illness, mental pain, disappointment, and self-attainment are typical features of the genre. The paper presents the authors’ original classification of genre forms within the novel of initiation. It is based on existential challenge that the protagonist faces, as well as the plot structure (the characters’ way out of the crisis), narrative method, theme, and message. Two kinds of the initiation novel are distinguished in the article: the ‘overcoming novel’ and the ‘comprehension novel’. It is concluded that novels Looking for Alaska and Paper Towns can be classified as the second type since their structure is similar to the traditional Bildungsroman. The main character passes through difficulties (the detective element plays a plot-forming role), leaves shattered illusions behind and grows up. The novel The Fault in Our Stars is close to the first type:  through overcoming illness the main character experienced existential reconsideration.

Author Biographies

Kseniya M. Baranova, Institute of Foreign Languages

Professor, Head of the Department of English Philology, Institute of Foreign Languages

Nadezhda S. Shalimova, Institute of Foreign Languages

Associate Professor in the Department of English Philology, Institute of Foreign Languages


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How to Cite

Baranova К. М. ., & Shalimova Н. С. . (2023). Initiation Novel in Works by J. Green. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 15(2).

