Corpus-Based Analysis of French and English Neologismsin Media Discourse




media discourse; neologisms; corpus linguistics; diachronic perspective; dynamic corpus.


Language development is an ongoing process, and changes occur at all levels of the language. This article discusses the changes in the lexical composition of French and English, namely neologisms. Media discourse was chosen as the material for the study because it is characterized by a high dynamism of changes and reflects, interprets many new phenomena of objective reality, with new language structures used to describe them. The study was based on linguistic data from Néoveille and WebCorp platforms. In addition to quantitative and distributive methods, a qualitative and component analysis of neologisms was applied to their word-formation models and connotations. In 2022 the most frequent neologisms in French were personnes-années, demies-journées, grande-reporters, and tout-mots, in English – liveaboard, micromobility, effective altruism, and tomato flu. Additionally, some neologisms were analyzed in context. In 2022 metaphorical neologisms were found to be more common in English than in French. Neologisms appear more often in contexts that are related to technology and politics. Based on the study, lists of the most common neologisms were compiled, which can be used in the teaching of foreign languages at high levels. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to further study neologisms that appear in different languages and the ways of detecting them in various texts because, despite the high level of development of the tools of computational and corpus linguistics, their methods and tools still have limitations and shortcomings that require an expert assessment of the results obtained.

Author Biographies

Natalia M. Nepomniashchikh, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Associate Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages in Theory and Practice

Anna S. Zhandarova, Moscow Region State Pedagogical University

Master’s Student at the Department of Romance Philology

Andrey S. Korzin, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Foreign Languages


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How to Cite

Nepomniashchikh, N. M. ., Zhandarova, A. S. ., & Korzin, A. S. . (2023). Corpus-Based Analysis of French and English Neologismsin Media Discourse. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 15(2).

